Grants and Funding

Provides Grants and Funding information for invasive species management. Includes highlights and general funding resources. Due to limited staff resources we are unable to post grant information (requests for proposals) with specific dates as it’s too time-consuming to maintain.


Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Supports Projects Addressing Early Detection and Rapid Response for Aquatic Invasive Species

May 1, 2024 DOI . Fish and Wildlife Service.

Aquatic invasive species cause tremendous harm to our environment, our economy, and our health. They can drive out and eat native plants and wildlife, spread diseases, and damage infrastructure. The U.S. spends billions of dollars every year to manage and control these aquatic invaders and protect the nation's waters. Although prevention is the most effective approach to eliminate or reduce the threat of aquatic invasive species, Early Detection and Rapid Response (EDRR) serves as a failsafe when prevention measures are ineffective or unavailable. Recognizing the need for action, the U.S. Department of the Interior identified advancing a National EDRR Framework for invasive species as a priority for Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding and took steps to invest in supporting components of such a framework. One such critical component was the establishment of a pilot Rapid Response Fund for Aquatic Invasive Species that can be used to assess and support response actions for quick containment or eradication of newly detected species.

Funding Available for Tools and Projects that Eradicate Invasive Species

Mar 26, 2024 DOI . Fish and Wildlife Service.

Recognizing the importance of eradication outcomes in invasive species management, the Department of the Interior has announced the availability of up to $3 million in funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law for projects that seek to eradicate invasive species. While control and suppression of invasive species are important in many cases, the emphasis of this funding opportunity is on eradicating them from a defined area where it is a feasible and achievable management goal. This funding provides an opportunity for us to invest in protecting our lands and waters by removing an entire population of invasive species and supporting a balanced ecosystem.

Have Plant Protection Project Ideas? Apply for Funding Today!

Jun 65, 2024 USDA . Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) invites stakeholders to tap into their creativity and submit innovative proposals for fiscal year (FY) 2025 Plant Protection Act Section 7721 (PPA 7721) funding. APHIS is funding projects that protect American agriculture and natural resources this summer, and it’s time to apply! Applicants can submit suggestions for Plant Pest and Disease Management and Disaster Prevention Program funding from June 5 through July 31, 2024.

APHIS Announces Funding for Tribal Partners Supporting Farm Bill Animal Disease Preparedness and Response Activities

May 31, 2023 USDA . Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) is awarding $566,626 to support four new cooperative agreements with tribal partners through the National Animal Disease Preparedness and Response Program (NADPRP). These projects will enhance these Tribes’ – and our nation’s - animal disease response capabilities and strengthen APHIS’ relationships with these partners.
See related resource: National Animal Disease Preparedness and Response Program (NADPRP)

NIFA Invests $19.6M in Crop Protection and Pest Management

Sep 26, 2023 USDA . National Institute of Food and Agriculture.

NIFA is supporting 76 projects addressing high priority issues related to all pests, and their management using Integrated Pest Management Program (IPM) approaches at the state, regional and national levels with more than $19.6 million in funding. The Crop Protection and Pest Management Program (CPPM) supports projects that will increase food security and respond effectively to other major societal challenges with comprehensive IPM approaches that are economically viable, ecologically prudent, and safe for human health.

DOI Funding Guide for Invasive Species Management [PDF, 540 KB]

United States Department of the Interior.

This funding guide includes information on DOI funding opportunities that could support projects that manage invasive species (e.g., prevention, detection, control/eradication, restoration). It is important to note that information is subject to change. All funding opportunities are subject to the availability of appropriated funds; a program that is listed may not offer funding in any given year. The guide is a starting point. Other DOI funding opportunities may exist that are not included here or that are broader in scope yet could be appropriate for invasive species management. This product helps to advance implementation of the DOI Invasive Species Strategic Plan by increasing awareness of Interior's financial assistance programs that may be available to fund invasive species management activities.
See also: DOI Invasive Species Coordination for related information

American the Beautiful Challenge

National Fish and Wildlife Foundation.

Intended to streamline grant funding opportunities for new conservation and restoration projects (including many invasive species related) around the U.S., the America the Beautiful Challenge is a five-year programs that consolidates funding from multiple federal agencies and the private sector to enable applicants to conceive and develop large-scale projects that address shared funder priorities and span public and private lands. is a central storehouse for information on over 1,000 grant programs and provides access to approximately $500 billion in annual awards. Site is searchable and contains summary information on all federal funding opportunities with links to the full announcements. Users can search announcements by topic, funding agency, and date, as well as subscribe to an email notification service based on these parameters. Search results: invasive species, invasive plants, noxious weeds, nonindigenous species, non-native species, integrated pest management
See also: RSS feeds (view new or modified opportunities by agency or by category).

All Resources

Selected Resources

The section below contains highly relevant resources for this subject, organized by source.

Mid-Atlantic Panel on Aquatic Invasive Species - Funding Opportunities

Mid-Atlantic Panel on Aquatic Invasive Species.

The Mid-Atlantic Panel on Aquatic Invasive Species (MAPAIS) is offering a small grants competition to encourage interested groups and individuals to submit proposals for possible funding.

Florida Statewide Landowner Assistance Program

Florida Invasive Species Council.

Montana Invasive Species - Funding Resources

Upper Columbia Conservation Commission; Montana Invasive Species Council.

RiversEdge West - Riparian Restoration Planning: Funding

RiversEdge West.

The mission of RiversEdge West (formerly the Tamarisk Coalition) is to advance the restoration of riparian lands through collaboration, education, and technical assistance. One of the most challenging aspects of conducting restoration work can be acquiring and maintaining adequate funding to support the full spectrum of restoration efforts. To that end, RiversEdge West has developed a variety of tools intended to help practitioners secure funding to support this work.

Southern IPM Center

Southern IPM Center.

The annual competitive grants program, Southern IPM Grants, (formerly Enhancement Grants) regionally address Global Food Security challenges including invasive species, endangered species, pest resistance, and impacts resulting from regulatory actions. All projects must further their mission, which is to foster the development and adoption of Integrated Pest Management (IPM), a science-based approach to managing pests in ways that generate economic, environmental, and human health benefits. Funding is outcome-based.

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Grant and Partnership Programs that Can Address Invasive Species Research, Technical Assistance, Prevention: Federal Fiscal Year 2017 [DOC, 74 KB]

Oct 17, 2016 U.S. Department of Agriculture.

This workbook contains basic information on programs in USDA that could be used to fund and support invasive species related projects. This list should be a helpful place to start a search for sources of technical and financial resources for invasive species activities but may not include all potential invasive species funding opportunities. USDA contacts for program support listed in the document are current at the time of publication. The contacts listed in the "other grant information" section can assist you in determining which opportunities may fit best with your needs.

FWS Financial Assistance Programs

DOI . Fish and Wildlife Service.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service issues Grants & Other Financial Assistance through grants and cooperative agreement awards to a variety of groups and organizations.

NIFA Crop Protection and Pest Management Program (CPPM)

USDA . National Institute of Food and Agriculture.

The Crop Protection and Pest Management (CPPM) program addresses high priority issues related to pests (including insects, nematodes, pathogens, and weeds) and their management using IPM approaches at the state, regional and national levels. Scroll to view the section for "Related Funding Opportunities."

Department of Defense's Environmental Research Programs - Working With Us

DOD . Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program and Environmental Security Technology Certification Program.

The Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP) is DoD's environmental science and technology program, executed in partnership with DOE and EPA. The Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP) is DoD’s environmental technology demonstration and validation program. The Program's goal is to identify and demonstrate cost-effective technologies that address DoD’s highest priority environmental requirements. SERDP and ESTCP fund research and demonstration projects that respond to DoD’s high-priority environmental requirements. SERDP and ESTCP harness the latest science and technology to develop and demonstrate innovative, cost-effective, and sustainable solutions to meet DoD’s environmental challenges.

Forest Health Protection Grants

USDA . Forest Service. Forest Health Protection.

Funding programs include Forest Health Monitoring Program, Evaluation Monitoring (EM), Special Technology Development Program (STDP), Forest Service Pesticide Impact Assessment Program (FS-PIAP), and Biological Control of Invasive Forest Pests (BCIFP).

Inflation Reduction Act: Funding Opportunities

DOC . National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) is a historic, federal government-wide investment that furthers NOAA ’s efforts to build a Climate-Ready Nation. It provides $3.3 billion for NOAA to build on its commitment to help Americans – including tribes and vulnerable populations – prepare, adapt, and build resilience to weather and climate events; improve supercomputing capacity and research on weather, oceans, and climate; strengthen NOAA’s hurricane hunter aircraft and fleet; and replace aging NOAA facilities. Within NOAA's IRA funding, $575 million was put towards standing up the NOAA Climate Resilience Regional Challenge. The funds are available as competitive grants.

Landscape Scale Restoration Grants

USDA . Forest Service.

The Landscape Scale Restoration Program is a Forest Service State and Private Forestry competitive grant program that promotes collaborative, science-based restoration of priority forest landscapes and furthers priorities identified in State Forest Action plans.

National Animal Disease Preparedness and Response Program (NADPRP)

USDA . Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.

The National Animal Disease Preparedness and Response Program (NADPRP) strengthens our country's ability to combat animal disease outbreaks. Through this program, APHIS provides tens of millions in funding to States, producer organizations, universities, and others to carry out high-value projects that help our Nation prepare for the most critical animal health threats facing U.S. livestock industries today.

Plant Protection Act Section 7721 Funding

USDA . APHIS . Plant Protection and Quarantine.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) provides funding through the Plant Pest and Disease Management and Disaster Prevention Program (PPDMDPP) and the National Clean Plant Network (NCPN) Programs under the authority of the Plant Protection Act (PPA) Section 7721. USDA 's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) was charged with implementing Section 10007 initially part of the 2014 Farm Bill to prevent the introduction or spread of plant pests and diseases that threaten U.S. agriculture and the environment. Under the Farm Bill, APHIS provides funding to strengthen the nation’s infrastructure for pest detection and surveillance, identification, and threat mitigation, while working to safeguard the nursery production system. Every five years, Congress develops and passes a Farm Bill that outlines agriculture and food policy for the country.
View related resource: APHIS Programs Authorized by the Farm Bill

Preventing the Introduction and Spread of Invasive through Strategic Landscape-Level Approaches

Using appropriations to the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (Public Law 117-58, also referred to as the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law), the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), in collaboration with other U.S. Department of the Interior bureaus, is providing grants to support implementation of measures that prevent the introduction or spread of invasive species. Proposals are requested that advance strategic, ecologically-based, landscape-level prevention measures. Landscape-level approaches are those that bring together multiple geographies, sectors, and stakeholders to protect and conserve natural resources on a larger scale. Total funding available is $1,852,550. The USFWS anticipates funding one to four projects, ranging between $200,000 and $1,852,550. Proposals were due June 22, 2022. The anticipated award date was August 2022. Grant Opportunity - F22AS00320. See related resource: Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Overview for funding for the Departments of Agriculture (USDA), the Interior (DOI), and Commerce (DOC) that are directly or indirectly tied to invasive species management.

Colorado Noxious Weed Grants and Financial Assistance

Colorado Department of Agriculture.

In 1997, the Colorado Legislature established the Colorado Noxious Weed Management Fund to provide additional financial resources for on-the-ground noxious weed management. Organized private interests, conservation districts, municipalities, and counties have been eligible to apply for assistance provided that awarded funds are used to enhance weed management efforts within the State of Colorado.

Florida Invasive Plant Management Research Program

Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.

The Invasive Plant Management Section funds scientific research projects at Florida's universities to improve the state's invasive plant management programs by finding more cost-efficient control techniques and also insuring these control methods are effective, safe, and environmentally compatible.

Idaho's Noxious Weed Cost Share Program

Idaho State Department of Agriculture.

The primary purpose of the Idaho State Department of Agriculture's (ISDA's) noxious weed cost share grant program is to accelerate the attack on invasive weeds by supplementing local funds and resources, not replacing them. Cost sharing is also intended to provide additional incentives for local landowners, officials, and citizens to work collaboratively to develop a more comprehensive and effective noxious weed management program.

Invasive Species Grant Opportunities

Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture.

Provides grants available from agencies, groups, organizations, and individuals to fund invasive species projects in Pennsylvania.

Maine Invasive Aquatic Plants Funding Opportunities

Maine Department of Environmental Protection.

Courtesy boat inspections are the cornerstone of the state's invasive aquatic species prevention program. Limited funds are available for locally initiated CBI programs. Grants up to $2000 are available to municipal and county governments, quasi-municipal organizations (including water districts) and 501C(3) eligible organizations such as lake associations. The State of Maine also uses a Request for Proposal (RFP) process to solicit applications for plant control work.

Michigan Invasive Species Grants Program Michigan Invasive Species Program.

Grants are available to assist with prevention, detection, eradication and control of terrestrial and aquatic invasive species in Michigan. Each grant program has specific goals, eligibility requirements and application deadlines.

Minnesota Aquatic Invasive Species Grants

Minnesota Department of Natural Resources.

Minnesota Noxious Weed And Invasive Plant Grant

Minnesota Department of Agriculture.

Counties, municipalities, and weed management entities (including weed management areas) may apply for grants to address noxious weeds and invasive plants, with priority given to species on the noxious weed list. This grant request is not to be confused with the Cooperative Weed Management Area (CWMA) grant program administered by the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR).

New Hampshire Aquatic Invasive Plant Control, Prevention and Research Grants

New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services.

Grant funds are available for the control, prevention and research of state-listed aquatic invasive plants. Grants are available to local lake associations and municipalities for control and/or prevention of state-listed exotic aquatic plants, and to institutions of higher learning for in furthering research associated with exotic aquatic plant management, control, biology, ecology or prevention.

New York Invasive Species Grant Progam

New York Department of Environmental Conservation.

The newly consolidated Invasive Species Grant Program combines previous opportunities, such as the Aquatic Invasive Species Spread Prevention and the Aquatic and Terrestrial Invasive Species Early Detection/Rapid Response grants, to create a single grant program designed to support projects that target both aquatic and terrestrial invasive species. In addition, the Invasive Species Grant program allows applications for two new categories: Lake Management Planning and Aquatic and Terrestrial Invasive Species Research.

Quagga and Zebra Mussels Infestation Prevention Grant Program

California Department of Parks and Recreation. Division of Boating and Waterways.

As part of its mission, the Division of Boating and Waterways manages the Quagga and Zebra Mussel Infestation Prevention Grant Program, which supports preventative plans that help protect California’s reservoirs from a dreissenid mussel infestation. California State Parks Division of Boating and Waterways (DBW) will accept applications for the 2021 Quagga and Zebra Mussel Infestation Prevention Grant Program: March 22, 2021 - April 30, 2021, subject to available funds. Minimum Eligibility Requirements:
Grant applicant must own/manage any aspect of the water in a reservoir where recreational activities are permitted; Grant applicant must demonstrate that the reservoir is uninfested with dreissenid mussels; and the reservoir must be open to the public.

Wisconsin Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Grants

Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.

In response to the increasing threat to our priceless lakes and rivers, Wisconsin has increased its support of local efforts to prevent the spread of introduced aquatic invasives by creating the Aquatic Invasive Species Prevention and Control Grants. Eligible waters to receive AIS prevention and control grants include: inland lakes, great lakes, rivers and wetlands.

AIS in Minnesota - Request for Proposals

University of Minnesota. Minnesota Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center.

The Minnesota Aquatic Invasive Species Research Center (MAISRC) at the University of Minnesota is seeking proposals for research studies to advance control and management, prevention of establishment and spread, risk assessment, and early detection of aquatic invasive species (AIS) in Minnesota.

Boat U.S. Foundation - Grassroots Grants

Boat U.S. Foundation.

The BoatUS Foundation Grassrooots Grants Program provides grants to nonprofit organizations, boating clubs and student groups for projects that promote safe and/or clean boating. Previous grants have included outreach materials for aquatic invasive species awareness.

Great Lakes Fishery Commission - Applying for Funding

Great Lakes Fishery Commission.

The commission funds projects submitted to the Fishery Research and Sea Lamprey Research Programs ranging from U.S.$20,000 to U.S.$100,000 per year (average approximately U.S.$55,000) that generally run for 3-4 years. For more information, review the current call for proposals. Projects that meet particular criteria can also be funded as pilot projects or through the Technical Assistance Program or Technical Assistance for Fisheries Research.