Being Kind to the Environment

We have a range of Classroom Activity Sheets (below) to encourage children to be kind to the planet – whether it’s being kind to bees, helping bats at Halloween, or taking part in our Recycling Week Challenges.

Or why not use our ten top tips to inspire everyday changes in your habits? It won’t just help the environment, it’ll be lots of fun too!

Anti-Bullying Week 21

10 Tips for Being Kind to the Planet

1. Use a reusable water bottle

It’s tempting to keep buying new water bottles but, as they’re made of plastic, they often end up in landfill sites and create pollution. In the UK, the water we get from our taps at home is perfectly safe, too. By drinking from a reusable bottle, not only will you save money, but you’re minimising the amount of waste that goes to landfill sites!

2. Conserve Energy

If we’re suddenly called to do something in the middle of watching TV, we often rush out the room and leave the lights and the TV on! By turning things off when we’re not using them, we can save energy and help the environment.

3. Ride bikes and walk

Cars emit a lot of harmful gases into the environment. So whenever you can, walk or ride a bike instead of using the car. If it isn’t a long distance, we may as well get there by doing some exercise. Not only will you be minimising pollution, but keeping fit at the same time!

4. Litter-pick

You might be great at putting things in the bin when you’re done with them, but other people may not be! Ask a trusted adult to come with you at the weekend to do some litter-picking in your local park. Just make sure you wear the right safety equipment.

5. Plant a tree

Ask an adult to help you plant a tree. Trees do an incredible amount for us AND the environment, and they look beautiful, too! They absorb harmful gases, and provide a home for local wildlife, so you can make sure these creatures have a safe space.

6. Make a bird-feeder

If you happen to have a plastic bottle or a jug that you need to throw away, why not make it into a bird feeder? You’ll get lots of lovely birds in your garden, and the bottle won’t end up in a landfill site.

7. Start a vegetable patch

Shop-bought vegetables are often wrapped in plastic and imported from all over the world. Airplanes emit harmful gases into the environment, and plastic takes hundreds of years to break down. By growing our own vegetables, not only can we get tasty food from just outside our back door, but we’re helping the planet!

8. Open your curtains

When you get up for school in the morning, it’s tempting just to switch on the light. By opening our curtains or blinds, we can let the sunlight in – it’s free, and it doesn’t require electricity!

If you’ve found some old homework you don’t need, why not use it for scrap paper? And if you no longer need it, make sure you recycle it! By reusing old paper, we don’t have to cut down trees and use energy and water in making new paper!

10. Encourage others

It’s so easy to be kind to the environment – and your kindness will hopefully inspire others to help the planet too! But sometimes people need a gentle reminder, so if you see a friend littering or leaving the lights on, why not share your knowledge so they can be kinder too.

Classroom Activity Sheets

These simple activities sheets can help encourage children to be kind the environment.